Lindsey Graham Goes After Impeachment Pelosi – He Orders Nancy To Tell Congress What She Knew About Capitol Security

What’s Happening: Democrats have ignored all common sense and decency to impeach a president already out of office. Republicans warned them what would happen if they continued on. Of course, the left didn’t listen. Sen. Lindsey Graham has been one of the most outspoken leaders against this impeachment trial. He repeatedly warned Democrats not to go down this path, or else. They didn’t listen, so he opened fire. First, he went after Nancy Pelosi, exposing her lack of leadership. Turns out, there were warnings about a possible event at the Capitol. Now, Graham wants answers. From Fox News: The Washington Post, citing an internal document, reported last month that prior to the deadly Jan. 6 riot, the FBI office in Virginia issued a warning that extremists were headed to Washington, D.C. for “war.” Pipe bombs were also later discovered near the Capitol were placed there the night before, reports said… “Here’s what I want to know: What did Nancy Pelosi know and when did she know it?” Graham said. Graham is calling out Nancy Pelosi, demanding to know what she knew about possible threats to the Capitol. The FBI had received warnings long in advance that “extremists” were planning something for January 6. This information not only contradicts claims Trump “incited” the crowds, but it casts an eye on the Speaker. As head of the House, she is actually responsible for the security of the Capitol Building. She is supposed to coordinate security and safety measures, in light of any problems. If you want to help the cause against the democrats and show your support for our country, what better way to do that than with President Trump’s Victory coin? President Trump’s victory coin is unsurprisingly on course to become the most popular Presidential coin in the history of our great country, and the liberals just can’t deal with this. So he’s giving away a limited number of his exclusive victory coin for FREE, but not for long. She was the one, after all, who ordered thousands of National Guardsmen to D.C. for the Inauguration. Why didn’t she do anything about January 6? We know the FBI had prior warning. Did they not bother to notify Congress? Graham seems to find it highly unlikely that Pelosi wasn’t notified about a possible threat. He is demanding answers from this leader—who was so shocked by the event that she impeached Trump. The senator shattered the left’s narrative, that it was Trump’s speech that started the chaos. But people were planning things long before that. And even the FBI knew. So, Nancy, where is your response? Key Takeaways: Graham is calling out Nancy Pelosi over what she knew prior to January 6. The FBI had warnings that extremists were planning something at the Capitol. The Speaker is responsible for handling security, so she would have known something. Source: Fox News


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