Senator Joe Manchin Just Took Down President Biden – The Swing Vote Senator Could Be Quickly Turning Against His Own Party

What’s Happening: After the 2020 election, it became clear Joe Manchin would play a vital role in the Senate. As a moderate Democrat from a red state, he is less likely to support the radical agenda of Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden. He’s already stood up against getting rid of the filibuster, which would open a wave of radical legislation like new states and court packing. With a 50-50 split in the Senate, Manchin can have a big impact on close bills. Plus, the administration has already snubbed him, rejecting his input. Now, he’s speaking out against Biden and his own party. From Daily Wire: A top Democrat Senator slammed President Joe Biden in remarks delivered at a policy event on Thursday, saying that the Democrats “started wrong” and that Biden is going in the wrong direction by being partisan in trying to get a coronavirus stimulus plan passed… “And I think that Joe Biden’s advisers have led him wrong to start out in a strictly partisan direction.” Joe Manchin slammed Biden and the Democrats, saying they “started wrong” and have continued going down the wrong direction. He said this over Biden’s attempt at COVID relief legislation. Biden and the Democrats rejected opportunities to work with Republicans and craft a bipartisan bill. Manchin slammed them for rejecting a chance at unity and pursuing a divided agenda. This should come as no surprise, after what Kamala Harris did. She traveled to West Virginia to plug Biden’s $1.9 trillion plan—without even telling Manchin. He rebuked the administration for not even letting him know they were coming to his backyard. Not only is Biden refusing to work with Republicans, it appears he doesn’t even want the input and support of his own party. Manchin pointed out that, under Trump, Republicans put together bipartisan support for relief. The Senate passed five relief bills with 90 votes or more. Now, because of Democrats’ partisan tactics, Republicans have been cut out of the process. It is unlikely they will back Biden’s radical plan, after Democrats used reconciliation to cut them out of negotiations. But Manchin’s comments cast doubt on his own support of the plan. If he is really upset about what Biden and Democrats are doing, will he be able to vote for it in good conscience? He has previously voiced how he’d vote on certain measures. But will he cave to pressure to vote along party lines? Key Takeaways: Joe Manchin slammed Joe Biden and Democrats over their COVID bill. He said they “started wrong” by refusing to work with Republicans. Manchin accuses Biden’s advisors of leading him down the wrong path. Source: Daily Wire


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