Trey Gowdy Just Took On Impeachment Democrats – The Republican Lawyer Swiftly Lays Out The Case That They Will Lose

What’s Happening: You probably know the name Trey Gowdy. He was a congressman and currently one of the sharpest conservative voices on the airwaves. He was the one that hammered former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her botched handling of Benghazi. Gowdy has since been a strong advocate for the Constitution and our laws. Today, he is weighing in on the left’s determined attempt to convict Trump over their own article of impeachment. And he’s laying out what he thinks will happen. From Daily Wire: On Fox News Monday, former Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) ripped into the impeachment case that Democrats will use against former President Donald Trump starting on Tuesday as the Senate starts its impeachment trial, saying that the Democrats will not be successful in convicting the former president… “I can tell you having done trial work when you start the trial with half of the jury thinking you shouldn’t even be there, you’re not going to win,” Gowdy responded. Gowdy made it very clear that Democrats were not “going to win” this case against Donald Trump. He simply pointed to the fact that 45 Republicans voted not to even have a trial. Those senators believe that this entire process is unconstitutional. Even if those other five traitors vote with Democrats, that is still a long way off from a conviction (they need 67 votes). Most Republicans in the Senate do not think it is lawful to impeach or convict a president after he leaves office. The Constitution only allows Congress to impeach a current president. Regardless of what these Republicans think of Trump’s actions or speech, just on those grounds this case should be dismissed. The democrats have now embarked on a dangerous mission to keep President Trump’s limited edition gift out of the hands of loyal patriots like you and I! If you want to help the cause against the democrats and show your support for our country, what better way to do that than with President Trump’s Victory coin? President Trump’s victory coin is unsurprisingly on course to become the most popular Presidential coin in the history of our great country, and the liberals just can’t deal with this. So he’s giving away a limited number of his exclusive victory coin for FREE, but not for long. As you can imagine, these coins are hot property and it’s impossible to know how many are left. So you need to act fast. It is very likely those who are against this trial would then vote to convict. In fact, some of those other Republicans might end up voting to convict, given there is no evidence. House Democrats rushed their impeachment vote, without conducting an investigation or presenting evidence. Much as in the last impeachment, they are now trying to drag out the process in the Senate, hoping to find something that will stick. But many have already explained how hard it is to prove “incitement.” Trump’s legal team is fighting to defend his free speech. Gowdy is most likely right to say the left will not win. The question is though, are Democrats smart enough to see that? Doesn’t look that way. Do you think Democrats have a chance of convicting Trump? Key Takeaways: Former congressman Trey Gowdy blasted the Democrats’ impeachment trial. He said they are not “going to win,” citing the votes of 45 Republicans. The Democrats do not have the votes to convict President Trump. Source: Daily Wire


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